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6th Freiberg Collagen Symposium

Date & Time

duration2 days


cityFreiberg, Deutschland


nameResearch Institute of Leather and Plastic Sheeting - FILK

We are pleased to announce the 6th Freiberg Collagen Symposium to be held on September 14-15, 2016. Just as its precursors the 2016 congress is designed to deal with new findings and research results in collagen extraction, processing, refining and characterisation of collagen, especially applied collagen research for medical, pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic applications.

  • Fundamental research with practical relevance
  • Collagen structure
  • New preparation techniques
  • 3D-printing
  • Chemical modification
  • New crosslinking technologies
  • Biomaterials from collagen
  • Hybrid materials from collagen and other biopolymers
  • New collagen sources beside mammals
  • Analytical aspects

Held every at 4 years intervals the 6th edition of the Symposium will again offer a well-established platform amongst experts and professionals of the collagen science and industry.

The lecture programme is finalised at the moment. Abstract submission for poster presentations is opened until April 29, 2016. For abstract submission, please, use this form: Abstract submission form

Author´s Guidelines and organisational informationen you find here: Author´s Guidelines

Please, direct questions regarding the scientific programme to: 
Dr Michael Meyer: