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m4 Technology Transfer Summit

Date & Time

duration10 hours


addressSchloss Nymphenburg
city80638 Munich, Deutschland


nameDr. Petra Burgstaller, BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH
phone+49 (0)89 89 96 79 23

m4 Technology Transfer Summit - from idea to patient impact: Good practice in pre-seed and spin-off acceleration

Pre-seed and spin-off acceleration is a key factor in building sustainable startup ecosystems. In the last few years, a variety of pre-seed acceleration programs has been developed all aiming to stimulate entrepreneurship and to advance the commercialization of promising biomedical technologies and products.

At the m4 Technology Transfer Summit, international best practice models in supporting and incubating life science spin-off projects will be presented and the various stakeholders of the sector will collectively debate the key factors necessary to successfully promote biomedical start-ups. The rich program will include three sessions to provide you with “lessons learned from public programs”, “insights to new industry and investor driven acceleration models” and “best practices in academic pre-seed incubation”. In addition, an exhibition area will present highly innovative Bavarian pre-seed projects in the area of medical biotechnology.

Who should attend?
Professionals in the areas of technology transfer, innovation support and cluster management, executives in innovation sourcing and business development from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry as well as life science investors will have the opportunity to discuss innovative solutions, fresh ideas and best-in-class strategies to advance pre-seed acceleration. In addition, the participants are invited to learn what the Bavarian pre-seed landscape has to offer. For biotech founders and founders-to-be, the summit offers a highly attractive platform to showcase their business ideas as well as a unique opportunity for networking and securing valuable contacts for future business relationships.

Venue and time
Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, Schloss Nymphenburg 1, 80638 Munich, Germany
Monday, March 23, 2015. 9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Program and registration
Download the conference flyer with the complete program (pdf, 258 KB).

The early bird fee of Euro 245 + 19 % VAT is valid until February 20, 2015.
The standard fee is Euro 285 + 19 % VAT.
To register, please go to:

Pre-seed showcases
Please contact Dr. Martin Sippel ( if you are planning to found a life sciences spin-off in Bavaria and are interested to participate in the exhibition of Bavarian life science pre-seed projects.

The event is organised in the framework of the program m4 Scouting & Incubation, a joint initiative of BioM and Munich's technology transfer organisations.