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Web-Seminar for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies with PROLab

Date & Time

duration3 days


placeQuoData GmbH Quality & Statistics
addressPrellerstraße 14
city01309 Dresden, Deutschland


nameMs. Wanda WälischQuoData GmbH

The workshop series for the evaluation of interlaboratory studies gives participants the opportunity to get a clear understanding of the standards behind proficiency testing and method validation. You can either register for the web-seminar series or for individual web-seminar.

The web-seminar consists of three online sessions, which will take place on 19 October, 20 October and 21 October 2021.

After all presentations, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about theory and practice. The contents of the lectures are about 3-4 hours per day, plus two breaks.

The participation fee per online session is 300,- € net. The total price for the web-seminar series is 900,- € net.

Registrations are accepted until 12 October 2021.