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14th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer4 Tage


NameFraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung IAP
AnschriftGeiselbergstraße 69
Stadt14476 Potsdam, Deutschland


NameFrau Petra HellwigDECHEMA e.V.
Telefon+49 (0)69 7564-167

After a long dry spell of abstinence from face-to-face meetings, the 14th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering will take place in Potsdam in September 2023 in presence.

Usually held every three years, this international workshop is a prestigious platform for experts to share their latest findings, as well as a knowledge pool for young professionals who want to gain a broad foundation or present their own work.

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