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2nd Biointelligence Congress

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer11 Stunden


NameStuttgart City Hall
AnschriftMarktplatz 1
Stadt70173 Stuttgart, Germany


NameHerr Dr.-Ing. Robert MieheFraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Telefon+49 711 970-1424

Do we truly want to shape production sustainably and, at the same time, not compromise on prosperity? This requires innovative approaches. Biointelligence can make that possible. The goal is to genuinely optimize established product and production structures sustainably. The key lies in the interdisciplinary intersection of life sciences, engineering, and information sciences.

Join us for a Global Perspective on the Biological Transformation of Industry. Experience cross-industry expertise in breadth and depth during this one-day congress for biointelligent manufacturing solutions.

More information here!