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AI and Electronics for Medicine 2024

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer3 Tage


NameCRTD Zentrum für Regenerative Therapien TU Dresden
AnschriftFetscherstraße 105
Stadt01307 Dresden, Germany


NameFrau Dr. Annett BertholdProject Coordinator – SEMECO

In recent years, Dresden has gained substantial traction in the fields of digital health, health electronics and medical AI. New and notable institutions and projects include the Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, the BMBF Cluster4Future "Secure Medical Electronics and Communications (SEMECO)" and several European and national projects on medical AI, regulatory affairs, medical cloud and electronics. In order to provide a platform and foster exchange in this growing community, we bundle an extensive program into the conference: AI and Electronics for Medicine.  
The meeting will be interdisciplinary on multiple levels: From healthcare professionals eager to improve medical practice to high-tech specialists, from students to senior researchers and industry experts. We are proud to unite established MedTech and microelectronics industry with academic and industrial research and the emerging local MedTech start-up environment.

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