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Delivering personalised medicine - a call to European regions and cities to act!

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer1 Stunde


StadtFlorenz/Brüssel, Italien/Belgien


NameFrau Dr. StegemannSMWK

Personalised Medicine is enabling healthcare to shift from a reactive to a preventive, personalised, and predictive system. By generating a new understanding of disease biology, fostering enabling technologies, integrating multi-omics and molecular pathway profiling, diseases can be identified before their onset.

Thanks to Personalised Medicine, healthcare can deliver better outcomes to patients while remaining financially sustainable. This is particularly important in consideration of the ageing population in Europe, where the management of morbidities burdens our systems.

The value of Personalised Medicine for citizens, healthcare and industry is immense and, once captured, it will help the European Union to remain competitive on the global scale.
Besides the investments which are already taking place, collaboration between local policy makers is essential for Personalised Medicine to realize its full potential. Regional authorities, in fact, are closely connected to their communities of clinicians, scientists, and innovators; they are aware of the epidemiological structure of their populations and can therefore design and implement effective policy measures.

Nevertheless, there still is a need for cooperation between regional authorities to better coordinate and drive forward Personalised Medicine and it is key to inform and connect regions and their decision-makers to promote coordinated investments and reforms in Europe.

In this perspective, Regions4PerMed consortium supports the engagement of EU regions on Personalised Medicine by organizing this event in occasion of the European Week of Regions with the goal of showcasing the great potential that Personalised Medicine holds and increase the commitment of regions to it. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), regional authorities, patient associations, European Commission, European Committee of Regions and other stakeholders will be present at the event.
