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DNA Methylation Data Analysis Workshop: How to use bisulfite-treated sequencing to study DNA methylation

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer4 Tage
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05.11.folgt ...


NamePC College
AnschriftStresemannstraße 78
StadtBerlin, Deutschland


NameFrau Adele FeuersteinecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH

Advance your epigenetics research with NGS methods.

  • Learn how bisulfite sequencing works
  • Understand how bisulfite-treated reads are mapped to a reference genome
  • Perform basic analyses (call methylated regions, perform basic downstream analyses)
  • Use shell scripting to create reusable data pipelines
  • Visualize results (ready-to-publish)

The purpose of this workshop is to get a deeper understanding of the use of bisulfite-treated DNA in order to analyze the epigenetic layer of DNA methylation. Advantages and disadvantages of the so-called 'bisulfite sequencing' and its implications on data analyses will be covered. The participants will be trained to understand bisulfite-treated NGS data, to detect potential problems/errors and finally to implement their own pipelines. After this course they will be able to analyze DNA methylation and create ready-to-publish graphics.

By the end of this workshop the participants will:

be familiar with the sequencing method of Illumina
understand how bisulfite sequencing works
be aware of the mapping problem of bisulfite-treated data
understand how bisulfite-treated reads are mapped to a reference genome
be familiar with common data formats and standards
know relevant tools for data processing
automate tasks with shell scripting to create reusable data pipelines
perform basic analyses (call methylated regions, perform basic downstream analyses)
plot and visualize results (ready-to-publish)
be able to reuse all analyses