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Inpho® Venture Summit - photonics and beyond

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer2 Tage


NamePalais de la Bourse
AnschriftPlace de la Bourse
StadtBordeaux, Frankreich


NameMs Ramona Landgraf, BLUMORPHO

Since 2008, Invest in Photonics has attracted more than 500 European participants, 50 international keynote speakers, more than 80 VCs and Corporate funds, more than 60 start-ups seeking investors and more than 100 million Euros in investment.

Recognized as the major European event supporting investment in photonics, Invest in Photonics is also evolving to become the place where financial and strategic investors meet to support and invest in future technologies and in the champions of tomorrow.

Our objectives for you:

  • to learn from emerging and promising technologies that will shape the future
  • to discover the champions of tomorrow
  • to close round table by meeting with investors and co-investors
  • to detect investment opportunities to define the bankable challenges
  • to focus on in lively discussions

In the capital of Excellence, Inpho® relies on a program committee and keynote speakers who are shaping the future through their actions and positions in the industry, innovation and investment. Inpho® will take place in the most stunning square in Bordeaux: the Palais de la Bourse, in the heart of the city, along the waterfront.

INPHO® is a great opportunity to expand your business development activities at International level. We would be really pleased to welcome you and your clusters’ members to this event. Start-ups can also apply to the pitching sessions.


Note: BLUMORPHO is Innovation and Business Maker. We are supporting value creation in facilitating innovation while reducing technical, market and financial risks. We would be pleased to introduce you in more details our activities to further collaborate with you.