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Revolutions: Replacing animal testing by cellular systems in medicine

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer2 Stunden


Stadtonline, Zoom


NameFrau Claudia StiehlerBIO Deutschland e. V.

The number of animal experiments in Germany has been declining for years and more and more alternatives are becoming available. Nevertheless, animal experiments are still unavoidable in many cases and are mandatory in therapy development.

At the beginning of February, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture caused uncertainty among research institutions with the publication of the draft bill for a new Animal Protection Act - "with a series of undefined legal terms that urgently require clarification and correction", as the amendments to the Animal Protection Act provide for prison sentences for the killing of animals "without reasonable cause". This would change the entire field of biomedical research in Germany, German media report.

After an introductory impulse with an overview of animal experiments in preclinical research and challenges and suggestions for improvement, examples from the development of alternatives will be presented in our online seminar.


  • Prof. Dr. Charli Kruse, CellTec Systems
  • Prof. Dr. Kathrin Adlkofer, Cellbox Solutions


  • Prof. Dr. Dieter Groneberg, Fraunhofer Institut für Silicatforschung ISC
  • Prof. Florian Groeber-Becker, Fraunhofer ISC Würzburg
  • Dr. Bettina Kränzlin, GV-Solas
  • Lukas Gaats, Mo:re Science
  • Ina Krüger, ACARYON GmbH

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