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Summer School Biotransformations 2022

Datum & Uhrzeit

Dauer4 Tage


StadtBad Herrenalb, Deutschland


NameFrau Nicola GrußDECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut

Biotransformations have become an important tool in all areas of industry, where high yielding chemo-, regio-, and enantioselective reactions often are critical.

To increase efficiency of new biotechnological processes it is important that scientists from the diverse fields of chemistry, biology and process engineering work efficiently together in research and development.

The aim of the Summer School Biotransformations in 2022 is

  • to expand the academic curriculum on biotransformations
  • to impart knowledge about new topics in the field
  • to educate in interdisciplinary communication of the different fields
  • to bring together young scientists with leading experts from academia and industry

All talks, lectures and posters at the Summer School Biotransformation will be presented in English.

Target audience

  • PhD students, post-docs (scientists) from academia
  • young industrial researchers at an early stage of their career.

Speakers will stay at least for one night to enable an intensive exchange and discussion among all participants about scientific topics and career opportunities.

PhD students and post-docs have to contribute a poster and a one page abstract in English presenting their work. Posters will be presented in "2 minute speed lectures" as a part of the official scientific programme and will also be discussed during poster sessions.

The number of participants is limited, enabling close interactions of the young academics with leading experts in the field of biotransformation.