von | 24.02.202009:30 |
bis | 24.02.202017:00 |
Dauer | 8 Stunden |
Stadt | Dresden, Deutschland |
Name | Herr Heidi StörrPush Your Career - Beratung für internationale Spezialisten in Deutschland |
Telefon | 0163/6643434 |
heidi.stoerr@push-your-career.de |
Intended Audience
International employees who have no or little (up to two years) work experience in Germany.
To start working successfully in Germany you should be familiar with the cultural working standards. In this seminar you are introduced to German culture aspects in the work life, what will be expected from you, as well as the typical behaviour of your German colleagues. We will find out why things are done in a certain way and which advantages are associated with these cultural standards. Moreover, we define the role of a subordinate and the superior and additionally the meaning of “being professional”.
Additionally, we will illuminate which conflicts may occur and analyse your own experiences with the German culture. You will learn conflict analysis methods and use them to reflect different perspectives in your experienced conflicts.
Finally, we will discover your individual cultural background and compare your characteristics with other people in your work environment and visualize conflict potentials.
290,00 Euro/Person (VAT free)
Funding Opportunities
SAB, „Weiterbildungsscheck – individuell“ for self-paying employees
SAB, „Weiterbildungsscheck – betrieblich“ for companies
Group Size
Min. 6 to max. 10 participants
Your trainer, Heidi Störr, has an exam in business and management studies with a special focus on personnel and education management. After finishing her university studies she worked for a number of years as a recruiter for different international companies. Since 2012 she has offered consultations and trainings for companies and public institutions regarding the employment of international experts as well as for international job seekers.
Please register via email: info@push-your-career.de