
This page gives you an overview of the events we have organized independently or on behalf of our members and business partners. Visit our events – and get connected!

We will be delighted to help you plan, organize, coordinate and carry out your event – just get in touch with us!

Please check the General Terms and Conditions for events organized by biosaxony.


We want to enable our network to keep abreast of all the developments and areas of the industry and to actively increase its knowledge. We therefore organize regular seminars and interactive workshops on relevant topics.
For an overview of biosaxony’s workshops and seminars, go to >>Services-Workshops<<.


Together with politicians from regional and federal government as well as representatives of the scientific community and the private sector, we debate the development of the life sciences industry in Saxony. High-level discussion takes place on the basis of reports and studies on the biotech sector in Saxony, best practice examples, current political themes, and recommendations for future growth.


Together with politicians from regional and federal government as well as representatives of the scientific community and the private sector, we debate the development of the life sciences industry in Saxony. High-level discussion takes place on the basis of reports and studies on the biotech sector in Saxony, best practice examples, current political themes, and recommendations for future growth.